As a UXUI designer, I am driven by an interest and fascination in finding solutions to everyday problems and how the experience of using a product dictates its success.
Lived in Spain until my early twenties when I decided to move to New York to pursue a career as a freelance photographer and be independent.

My parents wanted me to become an architect, but I have always been passionate about Visual Design and fixing things. So I change the script.
My sources of inspiration are:
More curiosities:
● Built my first custom pc at the age of 8.
● I keep all the Legos that used to fill up my entire room as a kid.
● Watched all the series, documentaries, and movies on interior design/house remodeling/architecture that you can find on Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu.
● I keep all the Legos that used to fill up my entire room as a kid.
● Watched all the series, documentaries, and movies on interior design/house remodeling/architecture that you can find on Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu.
Learning :
Design Systems | Webflow | Illustration
Reading :
UI Design for the Human Eye | Flatland 1884 | The Design of Everyday Things